Justyna Zandberg-Malec
Understandable information for detainees
A document handed over (or worse, merely shown) to a detainee upon detention may not be comprehensible. This is not only a Polish problem. In other EU countries as well, guidance given to detainees leaves a lot to be desired. Hence, the idea for lawyers and plain-language specialists to join forces to create new sample guidance for detainees.

Online Arbitration Court wishes to be competitive in terms of speed and cost
On 12 February 2019, the Online Arbitration Court (OAC) was launched, intended by the architects to be a ground-breaking development in the Polish judicial system and a revolutionary development for business.

Is there a right to unplug?
new technologies
To mark the 30th anniversary of Wardyński & Partners, a debate was held on 7 December 2018 entitled “The right to unplug: Dignity, privacy and new technologies.” The panellists considered whether the right to internet access we have won should be followed by recognition of a right to be free from the internet.

2013 Lex Mundi Environmental Practice Group Global Meeting conference in Amsterdam on 8 May 2013
The firm Houthoff Buruma, in Amsterdam, hosted the annual meeting of environmental lawyers affiliated to Lex Mundi.

Not all bank guarantees are created equal
banking & finance, Supreme Court, litigation
Although the bank guarantee is a commonly used form for securing claims, it is one of the most controversial institutions in Polish law. In a dispute, it is essential to analyse thoroughly the documents establishing the bank guarantee.

Dawn raid by the competition authority
Sometimes, out of a misplaced sense of loyalty or fear of the consequences, staff members refuse to allow competition inspectors to enter company premises, or refuse access to requested documents and data. But this can lead to even greater problems.

Arbitration on the agenda at the IBA European Regional Forum in Warsaw
Among the numerous sessions and workshops at the November conference of the IBA European Regional Forum, there will be a workshop devoted to practical aspects of arbitration.

21-23 November 2012: IBA European Regional Forum conference in Warsaw
The International Bar Association European Regional Forum will hold its Central-Eastern Europe Regional Conference in Warsaw, entitled Opportunities and Challenges that Growing Businesses Face in Selected New EU Member States: Perspectives for the Future

Foreign investors speak out on legal barriers in Poland
The country’s strengths include a large, strong market, a skilled workforce, and political stability. The main barriers are the inflexible employment law, unclear tax regulations, and difficulties in seeking investment incentives.

Will Poland avoid a recession?
Speakers at the 4th Warsaw CEE Financial Hub, an international conference held on 30 November 2011 at the Warsaw Stock Exchange, gave high marks to the Polish economy.

M&A by practitioners for practitioners
The first step-by-step guide to M&A transactions—from letter of intent to post-closing activities—has now been published jointly by Wardyński & Partners and LexisNexis Polska.

Evidentiary privileges for banks?
banking & finance, litigation, Constitutional Tribunal
On 1 March 2011 the Polish Constitutional Tribunal examined the constitutionality of Art. 95(1) of the Banking Law, which gives bank statements the evidentiary weight of official documents.