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Visit the blog

The blog launched on 10 October 2017. The blog features texts on legal, ethical, cultural and social aspects of new technologies.

The blog will be an arena where our lawyers and invited guests share their perceptions on the topic of new technologies. Based on the professional profile of the authors, the texts published on the blog will be written primarily from a legal perspective. But the aim is not just to create another specialised forum for lawyers practising in this area. We also want to highlight the broader context of new technologies. We don’t believe that the essence of the transformations occurring before our eyes can be properly grasped without skilfully combining multiple perspectives.

By framing the specialist knowledge of our lawyers in a broader social and cultural context, we hope to raise the debate over new technologies to a new level. The ideals guiding us in creating the blog are explained more thoroughly in the article “Technology and its discontents.”

Texts from the blog will appear as guest features on the “In Principle” portal, but we invite our readers to check the blog regularly.

We hope that you appreciate our approach and that the blog becomes a point of reference for discussion of new technologies and the law.