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Preferences for PIT payers investing in alternative investment companies and new conditions for the tax exemption for AICs from 2022
The bill published on 26 July 2021 to amend the Personal Income Tax Act, the Corporate Income Tax Act and certain other acts, known as the Polish Deal, provides payers of personal income tax with a new preference to encourage investments in ventures carrying high economic risk. The proposed relief is intended to apply to certain investments by PIT payers in an alternative investment companies or their subsidiaries.
Preferences for PIT payers investing in alternative investment companies and new conditions for the tax exemption for AICs from 2022
Proposed changes would increase tax burdens on top earners
One of the flagship elements of the political programme called the “Polish Deal” is changes in personal income tax and social insurance contributions. This will lead to a drastic increase in the burden on top earners, especially business operators.
Proposed changes would increase tax burdens on top earners
Benefits for people returning from abroad, tax holidaymakers, and tax optimisers coming in from the cold
A comprehensive overhaul of Polish tax law is expected. The proposed changes would implement the Law & Justice government’s programme known as the “Polish Deal.” Some of these changes are intended to make the tax system more attractive to new taxpayers. Others are designed to encourage taxpayers who have used optimisation schemes in the past to put their tax affairs in order.
Benefits for people returning from abroad, tax holidaymakers, and tax optimisers coming in from the cold
New tax regime for holding companies: Who will benefit from it?
The new regime is intended to incentivise holding companies to locate in Poland and create a competitive tax environment encouraging Polish businesses to return from foreign jurisdictions. These themes resound from the explanatory memorandum to the bill introducing the “Polish Deal.” But do the proposed provisions actually reflect these ideals? Will the new regime be attractive to any group of taxpayers?
New tax regime for holding companies: Who will benefit from it?
New tax options for capital groups: VAT groups in Poland
The bill to implement the “Polish Deal” programme would introduce the separate institution of a VAT group, previously unknown in the Polish tax system, enabling consolidation of the tax result within a capital group.
New tax options for capital groups: VAT groups in Poland
Depreciation of real estate belonging to real estate companies
The bill to amend the Personal Income Tax Act, the Corporate Income Tax Act and other acts published on 26 July 2021, known as the “Polish Deal,” includes new rules for tax depreciation of real estate held by real estate companies. The proposed changes could significantly limit the value of tax costs from depreciation.
Depreciation of real estate belonging to real estate companies
“590 interpretation”: Investment agreement with the Minister of Finance for new investments
The Ministry of Finance has proposed regulations allowing for conclusion of an investment agreement (also called a “590 interpretation”) between an investor and a tax authority—an agreement on the tax consequences of a planned or commenced new investment in Poland. It is supposed to constitute a binding opinion for the tax authorities on all tax consequences of the planned investment. Thus the investment agreement should be an effective tool for removing investment barriers in Poland and thus encouraging more investments, including foreign investments. In particular, it will be addressed to foreign entities planning to commence business in Poland, but current taxpayers in Poland will also be able to take advantage of it.
“590 interpretation”: Investment agreement with the Minister of Finance for new investments
Tax strategy: A step toward transparency or just more red tape?
Tax strategy: A step toward transparency or just more red tape?
Despite the difficulties this year, Polish lawmakers did not forget about their annual update of tax laws. Under the recently adopted regulations, the Treasury will seek to learn more about taxpayers by requiring them to draft, file and even publish a tax strategy. Is this a move toward transparency for the country’s largest companies, or another unnecessary formality?
Tax strategy: A step toward transparency or just more red tape?
Selected rules for imposing personal income tax on e-sport
E-sport is gaining in popularity, resulting in an increase in the number of players, games and spectators, as well as an increase in revenue from e-sport. Such revenue is taxable, but it is not always clear under which rules.
Selected rules for imposing personal income tax on e-sport
Transfer pricing documentation is not usually required for domestic transactions—but sometimes it is
Transactions between related parties at a value above statutory thresholds must be identified in local transfer pricing documentation, but the regulations provide for a number of exceptions.
Transfer pricing documentation is not usually required for domestic transactions—but sometimes it is
Starting business activity in Poland as a sole proprietorship: Pros and cons of various taxation forms
Compared to other forms of professional activity of an individual (for example working under an employment contract or contract of mandate), individual business activity allows the individual to benefit from a range of forms of income taxation. Thus, before generating their first business revenue in Poland, individuals they should examine their activity to find the most appropriate form of taxation. Below we present the available forms of taxation for business income, with their main advantages and disadvantages.
Starting business activity in Poland as a sole proprietorship: Pros and cons of various taxation forms
Starting professional activity in Poland—what about taxes and social insurance?
Employment contract, contract of mandate, or sole proprietorship (individual business activity): these are the most common forms of cooperation with individuals in Poland. In this article, we explain the tax and social insurance burdens for individuals working under an employment contract and contract of mandate. In the next article, we will discuss different forms of business income taxation.
Starting professional activity in Poland—what about taxes and social insurance?