Rafał Kuchta
Re-use of public sector information
new technologies
The activity of public sector entities often involves generation and use of extensive sets of data. These datasets serve to perform public tasks, but often have measurable economic value. Here we will examine the rules under which entities from outside the public sector can gain access to data of this type and use them to create new products and services.

Video games, virtual currencies, and money laundering
new technologies, intellectual property
What could video games have in common with money laundering and terrorism financing? Not much, it might seem at first glance. The duties in the Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act are mainly addressed to entities involved in financial services, such as banks and payment institutions. The AML/CTF regulations don’t directly refer to video games or persons involved in their development and operation.

Websites of private joint-stock company or joint-stock limited partnership
new technologies, corporate, M&A
Does a company or limited partnership have to have its own website? Does it have to operate the site itself? What information must be posted there? Practical pointers under the amended Commercial Companies Code

Amendment of the Payment Services Act: Basic accounts and payment schemes
new provisions, payment services
The amendment of the Payment Services Act is intended to implement the Payment Accounts Directive into the Polish legal system and to adapt Polish law to the Interchange Regulation. In addition to achieving compliance with EU regulations, the new provisions introduce a new type of regulated activity, as operators of payment schemes will be required to obtain approval from the head of the central bank.

No liability for free public WiFi?
new technologies
According to an Advocate General at the Court of Justice, a provider of free WiFi is not responsible for the actions of its users.

Outsourcing no escape from liability for telemarketing without consent
The Supreme Court of Poland ruled on 17 February 2016 that an entity conducting direct marketing using automated generating systems (in that case SMS ads) is liable for failure to obtain consent from recipients also when it has contracted out the marketing to an external firm.

Changes in maximum and statutory interest rates
already in force, contract
New rules for determining maximum interest rates and statutory interest rates for both interest on capital and interest on delay entered into force on 1 January 2016.

Is it OK to shoot down a drone?
new technologies
Protection of possession of real estate against drones as a form of necessary defence is permissible only under exceptional circumstances.

ERROR 451: Site unavailable for legal reasons
new technologies
Can internet service providers be ordered to block a specific website?

New Council of Europe recommendation on processing of employee’s personal data in light of new technologies
new technologies, data protection
The new recommendation on processing of data for purposes of employment is designed to meet challenges posed by greater digitisation.