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Jakub Barański

News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 46: NIS2 EU Directive: Why should management be responsible for cybersecurity?
The newest episode of News from Poland is devoted to the topic of personal responsibility of management bodies for compliance with cybersecurity regulations and standards, particularly with the EU NIS2 Directive and its upcoming transposal to Polish law.
The subject is explained by Jakub Barański, adwokat and partner from the firm's Dispute Resolution Practice.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 46: NIS2 EU Directive: Why should management be responsible for cybersecurity?
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 32: Supply chain cybersecurity – Why it matters and how to achieve it?
This episode of "News from Poland - Business & Law" will be devoted to the legal aspects of "Supply chain cybersecurity". The subject will be discussed by Jakub Barański, adwokat and partner in Wardyński & Partners' Dispute Resolution Practice.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 32: Supply chain cybersecurity – Why it matters and how to achieve it?
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 30 (part 2): Examination of a foreigner testifying before a Polish civil court as a party
In the second part of the program News from Poland—Business & Law in which Konrad Grotowski and Jakub Barański continue to dicuss about taking the testimony of a foreigner (especially a member of a company’s management board) in a Polish civil court as a party to the proceedings.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 30 (part 2): Examination of a foreigner testifying before a Polish civil court as a party
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 30: Examination of a foreigner testifying before a Polish civil court as a party
In this episode of News from Poland—Business & Law, Konrad Grotowski and Jakub Barański talk about taking the testimony of a foreigner (especially a member of a company’s management board) in a Polish civil court as a party to the proceedings.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 30: Examination of a foreigner testifying before a Polish civil court as a party
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 21: Resolving IT-related Disputes In Arbitration
In the newest episode of News from Poland—Business & Law, Jakub Barański from Wardyński & Partners’ Dispute Resolution & Arbitration practice discusses arbitration as a solution to the rising number of IT-related disputes.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 21: Resolving IT-related Disputes In Arbitration
Game chat crimes: Does the developer have a duty to report them?
Multiplayer games are an increasingly important market segment. All kinds of features allowing players to communicate during gameplay, such as voice communication and text chats, largely account for their popularity. While player interaction is desired by players themselves and game developers, it can involve inappropriate and even unlawful player behaviour. What is the provider of an online game to do in such a situation?
Game chat crimes: Does the developer have a duty to report them?
Legal aspects of the video game industry 2.0
Interest in the game development industry is not diminishing. The upward trend has been consistent for several years, and 2021 is sure to bring a further increase. Forecasts indicate that in 2023 the value of the game market will exceed USD 200 billion
Legal aspects of the video game industry 2.0
Fundamental issues a game developer should pay attention to when negotiating a contract for publication of a video game
Contracts for publication of video games are concluded between game developers and companies specialising in publishing games (sometimes referred to “dev-publisher agreements”).
Fundamental issues a game developer should pay attention to when negotiating a contract for publication of a video game
Legal aspects of the video game industry
The video game development sector has grown rapidly in recent years. With the spread of smartphones, new business models, and distribution platforms, the market for video games has taken off, becoming a key sector of the creative industry. Its growth stirs the imagination and appetite not only of game producers and publishers, but also of the biggest companies in sectors like IT and film, who are increasingly oriented toward the game market. It is also a promising field for investors, particularly from Asia. The industry’s growth has not even been slowed by the COVID-19 pandemic. To the contrary, the industry has taken advantage of this time to reinforce its position and achieve new growth.
Legal aspects of the video game industry
More and more disputes in the gaming industry
Andrzej Sapkowski’s demands for more money for copyrights to The Witcher is the tip of the iceberg. Changes in the gaming industry, like increased production costs and the dominance of digital distribution platforms, will give rise to an increasing number of disputes, in particular over intellectual property rights. What could trigger these disputes and how can they be prevented?
More and more disputes in the gaming industry
Disputes over breach of trade secrets in the age of the digital economy
As information technology and the knowledge-based economy develop, trade secrets are increasing in importance. At the same time, theft of trade secrets and losses for the economy due to this problem are increasing. In recent years legislators have taken measures to modernise and strengthen the protection of trade secrets.
Disputes over breach of trade secrets in the age of the digital economy
The future of legal services in a world of artificial intelligence
Will AI replace lawyers and judges or simply change the way they work and think about the law?
The future of legal services in a world of artificial intelligence