News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 9: transfer pricing compliance obligations | In Principle

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News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 9: transfer pricing compliance obligations

In this episode, Wojciech Marszałkowski explains transfer pricing compliance obligations. What is the arm’s-length principle? When do taxpayers have to prepare documentation describing most cross-border transactions? What are the peculiarities of the Polish transfer pricing regulations? What are the rules regarding indirect transactions with tax havens? When can taxpayers be required to prepare a “master file”?

News from Poland—Business & Law is a synthesis of important current events in the Polish economy and changes to Polish law, especially those that may concern management board members and affect the risk of serving on boards. Konrad Grotowski, head of the firm’s Restructuring & Bankruptcy practice, is the host of the programme.

The programme is addressed to foreign directors of Polish companies, foreign investors in Poland, and their foreign advisors.

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