News from Poland – Business & Law, Episode 19: New Developers Act | In Principle

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News from Poland – Business & Law, Episode 19: New Developers Act

In the newest episode of News from Poland Business & Law, dr Jakub Baranowski from Wardyński & Partners’ Real Estate practice discusses the major changes in Polish real estate law in 2022 with entry into force of the New Developers Act. It is designed to provide consumers with greater security in acquiring residential properties by greatly expanding the applicability of the statute, adding new security instruments, and modifying the procedure for removing defects.

Konrad Grotowski, host of the programme, discusses the current state of the Polish economy following Russia’s suspension of gas supplies.

News from Poland Business & Law is a synthesis of important current events in the Polish economy and changes to Polish law, especially those that may concern management board members and affect the risk of serving on boards.

The programme is addressed to foreign directors of Polish companies, foreign investors in Poland, and their foreign advisers.

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