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public procurement

Will public entities be more willing to settle disputes?
The “Creditors’ Package,” an overhaul of numerous acts, entered into force on 1 June 2017. Among other changes, it authorises public finance units to conclude settlements when certain conditions are fulfilled. This creates the hope for a more flexible attitude of public entities, open to dialogue with the private sector. But will this actually be achieved?
Will public entities be more willing to settle disputes?
Contractors’ clarifications and retention of bid bonds
The regulation on retention of a contractor’s bid bond has not uniformly interpreted. Two different views have developed in the case law and the legal literature on the situations when the contracting authority can apply this sanction.
Contractors’ clarifications and retention of bid bonds
Restrictions on investor’s joint and several liability
The joint and several liability of the investor on a construction project for the fees of the subcontractors under Polish law is particularly strict. Thus owners of construction projects should note the statutory solutions (recourse claims by investors and limitations in subject matter and amount introduced in the amended Civil Code) and the permissible use of contractual clauses to soften this liability regime.
Restrictions on investor’s joint and several liability
When planning a reorganisation of corporate form, think about the public procurement consequences
The automatic assumption of contracts that occurs in universal succession doesn’t work in the case of public procurement. The contracting authority must decide on the fate of the contract after verifying the new contractor.
When planning a reorganisation of corporate form, think about the public procurement consequences
Filing documents in procurement proceedings following amendment of the Public Procurement Law
Contractors initially declare that they meet the conditions for participating in a procurement, and at a later stage submit confirming documents. This rule applies to all modes for awarding public contracts, but the law provides for certain exceptions.
Filing documents in procurement proceedings following amendment of the Public Procurement Law
The requirement to hire workers under employment contracts in public procurement
Following the July 2016 amendment to the Public Procurement Law, contracting authorities must indicate which activities during performance of a public contract fall within the definition of an employment relationship under Labour Code Art. 22 §1. They must also require contractors to hire persons performing those activities on the basis of an employment contract and verify that the contractors are in compliance with this obligation.
The requirement to hire workers under employment contracts in public procurement
The President has signed the new Concessions Act into law
The Act on Concession Contracts for Construction Works or Services of 21 October 2016 was signed by the President of Poland and published on 29 November. The act entered into force on 14 December.
The President has signed the new Concessions Act into law
Can the form in which the bid bond is paid be modified during the course of a procurement procedure?
The Polish Public Procurement Law does not answer this question, but that is not an absolute bar to changing the form of a bid bond after the bids are opened.
Can the form in which the bid bond is paid be modified during the course of a procurement procedure?
First ruling on legal remedies by National Appeal Chamber since overhaul of Public Procurement Law
Poland’s National Appeal Chamber (KIO) issued an order on 5 September 2016 of great practical significance, applying new procurement rules on the permissibility of appeals by contractors interested in bidding for public contracts below the EU thresholds.
First ruling on legal remedies by National Appeal Chamber since overhaul of Public Procurement Law
Relying on third-party capacity to make the shortlist
Based on a recent judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the provisions of the Polish Public Procurement Law permitting reliance on third-party capacity to demonstrate fulfilment of selection criteria are consistent with EU law.
Relying on third-party capacity to make the shortlist
Closer and closer to a new Act on Concessions for Construction Works and Services
Work on Poland’s new Act on Concessions for Constructions Works and Services is near the end. The act is supposed to enter into force before the end of this year.
Closer and closer to a new Act on Concessions for Construction Works and Services
More appeals and greater judicial oversight over decisions by contracting authorities
The amendment of the Public Procurement Law which entered into force on 28 July 2016 opens up broader possibilities for protecting the interests of contractors in appellate proceedings before the National Appeal Chamber (KIO).
More appeals and greater judicial oversight over decisions by contracting authorities