Paulina Wojtkowska
Expired food or wasted food? That is the question
environmental protection
Environmental inspectors in Poland are stepping up inspections of stores for compliance with the Combatting Food Waste Act. In doing so, they point to shortcomings regarding not only the proper distribution of the fee for wasted food and the implementation of educational campaigns, but especially the understanding of the definition of food waste. In many cases, the inspectors are wrong, as the administrative courts have begun to recognise.

New rules for liability for environmental crimes necessitate a review of compliance policies in companies
environmental protection, criminal, changes in law, ESG & sustainability
In a few days, the Act of 22 July 2022 Amending Certain Acts to Combat Environmental Offences will enter into force. It changes the rules of liability for commission of offences by corporate entities. Prosecutors in Poland will no longer have to obtain a conviction of a natural person affiliated with a corporate entity before pursuing criminal charges against the corporate entity. This removes the main practical obstacle which has made it extremely rate for law enforcement to seek to hold companies criminally liable. As a result of the changes, we expect a larger number of criminal proceedings against companies. Environmental compliance is a solution for reducing this risk.

EU regulations will force the eco-design of sustainable products
ESG & sustainability, environmental protection, project
In late March, the European Commission published another package of proposals aimed at making the European Green Deal a reality. Some of the proposals relate to specific product categories, e.g. construction products and textiles, but there is also no shortage of proposals to make products more sustainable and environment-friendly.

Contracts for supply of agricultural products under scrutiny
administration, contract, life sciences
The EU’s Single CMO Regulation provides for heavy penalties for use of a form contract with even minor deviations from the formal requirements under that regulation. As a result, the National Support Centre for Agriculture may impose administrative fines of millions of zlotys on businesses.

Single-use plastics will disappear, new obligations will be imposed on businesses
project, environmental protection, life sciences, ESG & sustainability
Nearly two months ago the Ministry of Climate and Environment published a proposal to implement the Single-Use Plastics Directive ((EU) 2019/904) into Polish law. The amendment is supposed to enter into force no later than 3 July 2021, but it is raising many doubts.

New powers of environmental organisations: Will they benefit the environment?
administration, real estate, environmental protection, changes in law
On 20 April 2021, the President of Poland signed into law an act amending a number of laws on public participation in proceedings concerning projects likely to have a significant impact on the environment.

Veggie burgers will still be a thing
life sciences, project
On 23 October 2020 the European Parliament voted on amendments to the CMO Regulation (1308/2013). Ultimately the lawmakers decided not to ban the use of names alluding to meat in relation to plant substitutes. It will still be possible to buy vegetarian sausage in stores and order veggie burgers in restaurants. But makers of ersatz dairy products may face a tougher time.

When do lawmakers give an investor a second chance?
administration, real estate
Before the first contractors appear on the construction site, the investor must comply with many formalities, including obtaining a building permit. But what if the documentation filed with the construction authorities proves incomplete or does not comply with the regulations? Does this necessarily bar completion of the project?