Agnieszka Pachla
New procedure for service of documents under the Civil Procedure Code
already in force, litigation
Electronic service between attorneys, and the end of fictitious service. The amendment to the Civil Procedure Code has brought numerous changes to the service of legal documents.

Major changes to rules on statutory time limits on claims
new provisions, litigation
On 9 July an amendment to the Civil Code will come into force concerning the statute of limitations. The general time limit after which claims will expire will be reduced to 6 years, while in most cases expiry will take effect from the last day of the calendar year. The rules applicable to expiry of claims of businesses against consumers will also change significantly.

Courts get closer to plaintiffs
Supreme Court, litigation
A ‘competent court’ now also includes the court at the place where the adverse effects of a tortious act occur. This approach will help victims seeking to recover damages.