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dr Adrianna Ogonowska

Facilitation of biogas plants: An overview of the most important changes in legislation
We devoted the third article in our series on biogas plants to administrative decisions and other requirements for implementation of biogas projects. In this article, we present the most significant legislative amendments concerning biogas plants that came into effect last year.
Facilitation of biogas plants: An overview of the most important changes in legislation
Developing a biogas plant: From siting to operation from an environmental point of view
In the second article in our series on biogas plants, we discussed the requirements for classification of biogas plants during the development process. This time we will take a look at the obligations that must be performed before such an installation can start operating.
Developing a biogas plant: From siting to operation from an environmental point of view
The development process for a biogas plant
Growth of agricultural biogas plants is an essential component of Poland’s energy transition. In the second article of our series on biogas plants, we present the most important aspects and pitfalls of the development process for these facilities.
The development process for a biogas plant
Agricultural biogas in Poland: What you need to know in 2024
The energy transition requires decisive actions in many sectors of the economy. This demands a legal framework enabling a shift away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy sources. In September 2023, regulations for agricultural biogas plants went into effect which are expected to finally unleash Poland’s biogas potential.
Agricultural biogas in Poland: What you need to know in 2024
Q&A: Poland’s deposit-refund scheme
Poland is relatively late in establishing a deposit-refund system for beverage containers. After many years of pronouncements by politicians, the act did not enter into force until 13 October 2023. Functioning of the scheme is set to launch on 1 January 2025, leaving little time for businesses to prepare. But questions remain whether the system will start working as the parliament expected on the designated date.
Q&A: Poland’s deposit-refund scheme
Environmental aspects of real estate development: What will 2024 bring?
The environment is a key element of real estate development and construction, and has a major impact on the duration of the process. In 2023, there was increased legislative activity in this area, but we will not know its real impact on the construction process until 2024.
Environmental aspects of real estate development: What will 2024 bring?
Decarbonising maritime transport: Alternative fuels infrastructure at seaports
According to a report published in 2021 by the European Environment Agency and the European Maritime Safety Agency, 13.5% of total transport greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union originate from ships. Transforming maritime transport into a sustainable and environment-friendly sector requires actions on many levels. One of them is to enable ships moored in port to use shore-side electricity.
Decarbonising maritime transport: Alternative fuels infrastructure at seaports
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 28: Environmental requirements for offshore wind farms in Poland
The newest episode of News from Poland—Business & Law focuses on Poland’s energy transition and especially offshore wind farms. Adrianna Ogonowska, attorney-at-law, who specialises in environmental protection issues associated with biodiversity and protection of the marine environment, will tell us about the legal aspects of such projects.
News from Poland—Business & Law, Episode 28: Environmental requirements for offshore wind farms in Poland
(R)evolution in packaging
An end to the mass discarding of packaging and waste. Instead, recycling, refillable packaging, a deposit on plastic bottles and limits on disposable bags. Such changes are proposed in a new draft regulation of the European Commission. The changes are to be implemented gradually.
(R)evolution in packaging
New rules for waste management in ports
A government bill on port reception facilities for waste from ships (print no. 2223) was released in May 2022. The bill would implement into Polish law Directive (EU) 2019/883 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on port reception facilities for the delivery of waste from ships, and is intended to adapt Polish ports to global and local market requirements.
New rules for waste management in ports
Offshore wind energy and planned amendments to the Maritime Areas Act
Companies’ increased interest in offshore wind energy makes the legal regulations in this area a subject of interest for the parliament, which is trying to upgrade the regulations. The latest changes are intended to ensure safety during construction and operation of offshore wind farms.
Offshore wind energy and planned amendments to the Maritime Areas Act
Will the proposed changes to the Environmental Impact Assessment Act improve the real estate development process?
A proposal to amend the regulations on issuance of project permits was released on 18 May 2022. The proposal is expected to streamline development procedures, primarily for issuing decisions on environmental conditions.
Will the proposed changes to the Environmental Impact Assessment Act improve the real estate development process?